Tuesday, 24 April 2007


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Shot for a Contest at www.worth1000.com with a theme of 'Attack of the Clones'. Dave kindly agreed to model for me, while I shot him standing both sides. It was backlit with a large halogen lamp sat on the ground behind.

(it came in 1st place !)

Wednesday, 11 April 2007


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Following a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon at Mum & Dad's, I took a walk up the hill to shoot the sunset. Cliche I know, but this tree caught my eye and decided to try to capture the sun disappearing through the branches.

Tuesday, 10 April 2007


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We had to have our water main replaced this weekend, and while one of the workers was straightening the edges of the holes prior to concreting the dust was pouring out and the light behind was casting interesting shadows.